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Leap Year - 2010 |
The film's small supporting cast includes Matthew Goode, Adam Scott, and John Lithgow.
Real estate stager Anna Brady (Adams) is on her way to meet her boyfriend of four years. She expects a proposal that night. Before dinner, she meets her father for drinks at a bar. He reminds her that if she doesn't get proposed to, she can always do the proposing thanks to an old Irish tradition that says women can propose to men on Leap Day. Not really wanting to go that route, she politely passes and heads to dinner.
Instead of the engagement ring she was expecting, she gets and appreciation speech and a pair of earrings. Suffice it to say, Anna is deeply disappointed.
Since her boyfriend Jeremy is on his way to Dublin, Ireland for a business trip, Anna decides to follow him their and propose herself (heeding her dad's advice that she didn't want to take). On the way, her plane runs into severe weather and has to put down in Wales. Anna tries to move heaven and earth to get to Ireland, however, it's just not happening.
She gets a boat to take her to Cork, but the weather is too severe to make it. They have to put in at a little seaside town called Dingle. Anna has to wade through the surf, walk a hard road, and finally arrive at a little pub/inn. The innkeeper, Declan, is also the taxi service, but he doesn't want to go to Dublin. No way, no how. Anna causes the entire village to lose electricity when she plugs her American phone into a European outlet. She also causes a huge mess in her room. She and Declan do not get off to a good start.
The next morning, however, we find that Declan is in need of money because his inn will be foreclosed on. He offers to drive Anna to Dublin for five hundred Euros. Desperate to get their in time to propose to Jeremy on Leap Day, she accepts.
She isn't thrilled with their mode of transportation, but Declan assures her it will all be fine.
As they set off down the road, Anna tells Declan why she's come to Ireland. He laughs and tells her he thinks it's a ridiculous idea.
The journey hits a snag when a herd of cows blocks the roadway. Declan is content to sit and wait for them to move on. Anna, however, is impatient and, with some prodding, moves the cows along.
Sadly, she steps in some fresh cow manure. As she leans against the car to clean off her shoe, the car suddenly starts moving backwards. Even with Declan's efforts to stop it, the car goes careening into a pond.
After fishing out her purse and suitcase, they decide to hitchhike. They stop a passing minivan and beg a ride. Once her suitcase and purse are in the minivan, the driver takes off, leaving Anna and Declan stranded.
They catch up with the thieves at a local tavern, and Declan gallantly fights them and reclaims Anna's luggage.
They continue walking the Irish countryside until they come to a train station.
After purchasing a ticket, Anna waits on the train. Declan notices a castle on a hillside and suggests that since there is a two and a half hour wait, they should do some exploring.
Anna doesn't want to, but a barking dog makes her rethink that decision and she joins Declan.
The climb up the hill is worth it, though. Anna is very impressed with the castle. On the way up, Declan asks Anna what she would grab if her home was on fire and she only had sixty seconds to get out. She can't answer. Also on the way up, Declan tells her the legend of "The Pursuit of Diarmuid and Grainne", and it's connection with the castle they are exploring.
They get to the highest point of the castle and look out over the spectacular view. Unfortunately for Anna, while they are up there the train can be heard in the distance. She hurries down the hill. It's started raining and she slips, rolling down in the mud. By the time she reaches the train station, she is too late and misses it.
They find their way to a small bed and breakfast. They are only able to acquire a room on the condition that they are married. They say they are, and are granted the last room in the place.
Now they have to decide who is going to get the bed. Neither is willing to give it up and must decide on the flip of a coin. "Heads I win, tails you lose," he smiles.
When the lady of the house says she's going to be serving tripe for dinner, Declan immediately offers to cook. Anna helps him, and the two bond over the experience.
The dinner is a success. The other two couples at the table regale Declan and Anna with stories of love and romance, and each kisses their respective partner. Naturally, they want Declan and Anna to do the same because they're young, married, and in love. "Anyone can see that," says the proprietor.
Wanting to keep up appearances, Declan kisses Anna to the delight of their tablemates.
Once the kiss has ended, both know something special happened and they both felt it deep inside.
The following morning they set out again towards Dublin. On the way, a hailstorm causes them to run into the first building they see: a church. Inside, a wedding is being held.
The bride and groom invite them to the reception. Anna has a few drinks and begins to get tipsy. She questions her relationship with Jeremy and comes to realize that she has feelings for Declan.
Later that night, just as the two share another special moment and are about to kiss, Anna throws up and passes out, having had one too many drinks.
The next day (Leap Day) they arrive in Dublin. Before making their way to Jeremy's hotel, Declan tells Anna why he dislikes the city. His former fiancee is there. She ran away with his ex-best friend and took his mother's ring with her. Anna tells him that he should get the ring back.
Arriving at the hotel, Declan and Anna have a difficult time saying goodbye. She offers to pay him, but he declines. They part company.
Before he goes, Declan has a change of heart and calls out to Anna. But before he can say anything, they are interrupted by Jeremy.
Jeremy surprises Anna by getting down on one knee to propose. She looks around for Declan, but he has gone. She says yes to Jeremy's proposal. They leave Dublin.
Back in Boston at their engagement party, Anna learns the real reason for Jeremy's surprise proposal. The co-op board of a building they want to move into is more kindly disposed towards married couples than unmarried. Saddened and hurt, Anna goes off to think.
Seeing a fire alarm, she recalls Declan's conversation with her, asking what she would take if she had sixty seconds to get out. She pulls the fire alarm and is disappointed to learn that Jeremy is more concerned with his electronic devices than her safety, never even finding out if she was okay. Anna realizes that everything is over between them.
A little while later, Anna shows up in Dingle at Declan's inn. She tells him she's ready to start a relationship with him, and proposes that they start one together. He walks off without saying a word. Embarrassed and hurt, she runs from the inn.
She finds herself walking along the cliff's edge. When Declan catches up with her, he asks her why she left. She tells him she figured he turned her down. He said he merely went to get something.
It's his mother's ring. He tells her he doesn't want to start a relationship together. He wants to marry her.
He gets down on one knee on the cliffs and proposes to her. Anna eagerly says yes and they kiss. A later scene shows them in the car that they started their journey in. When Declan pulls out a map and asks where they are going, Anna puts the map away and says, "Just drive."
Cast rundown:
Amy Adams..............................Anna Brady
Matthew Goode.........................Declan O'Callaghan
Adam Scott..............................Dr. Jeremy Sloane
John Lithgow............................Jack Brady
And that's all for Leap Year. It's fun and entertaining, and it showcases some beautiful shots of the Irish countryside. Of particular note is John Lithgow's short performance. Even though it's small, Lithgow is very funny in the role of Anna's father.
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